Thursday, October 27, 2011

$177.00 plus $60.00

Wednesday Brad and I decided it was a good day to take one of our meandering drives.  After gassing up we headed west to I-84.  We were headed to Holbrook, Idaho, to the home of the Nalders that have been training us at the temple.  Then we would continue around and over the mountain and end up in Malad, Idaho.  The drive was very nice and it was fun to see the transition into late fall.  It was too early to stop at Mollies for lunch so we just took some treats and drinks with us. 
After our stop in Malad we decided that rather than get on I-15 and head home we would back track just a few miles and come home through Pocatello Valley.  Brad had spent quite a bit of time working in Pocatello Valley for Merlin Jackson and wanted to see the area again.  Pocatello Valley has many familiar names to us from my work at IFA.  The Church Farm "Big Fields", T. Frank Tolman, Michael Fuhriman, Denny Roberts, Deloris Stokes, Merlin Jackson and more.
It was truly a nice drive -----BUT ------ trouble was to be ours.  Two flat tires on the driver side of the pick-up.  Now, as you all probably know a vehicle only has ONE spare.  Thank heavens we were on the top of a rise and had two bars on the cell phone.  Oh, how grateful for cell phones.  I called Brittani and she gave me the telephone number for Archibald and Sons in Tremonton.  After being on hold for some time Brad was able to talk with Brad Archibald.  He headed out in his tow truck to rescue us.  It is a very large valley with many, many roads.  Brad gave him a general direction.  However, when Brad A. would try to call us he would lose reception.  Finally my Brad could see him and headed down the road to try and wave at him.  Finally they were able to make connection on the phone and Brad A. told him that he was about ready turn around and try another area.  Thank goodness we got together.
The ride back in the tow truck was crazy.  Brad Archibald drives like a crazy man.  At one time we went over a low swell and bounced high.  I just knew the pick-up would bounce off.  He had barely got it on the truck.  Maybe six inches to the back.  Crazy, Crazy.
We arrived at the shop in Tremonton where the pick-up was unloaded and Brad would stay to see what had caused the damage.  I made a call to Skylar and he came and took me home. 
They said it looked like a sharp rock had punctured both tires.  They were able to repair one but the other one was too damaged.  So a used tire that matched the others in size and tread was put on.  Our insurance did not have towing on it so this bill will be all ours.
Headed over the mountain to Malad

Looking down to Pocatello Valley ------ beautiful dry land farms ------ in the old days this would have been the school house for the children

We stopped and watched these deer ----- they did not bother to run----just looked at us

Sitting on this rise waiting for HELP ---- the views on either side ---- new grain coming up----- ground that has been harvested this year

Brad helping

So flat ---So crazy ----So not fun

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