Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Birthday to Brittani

Our oldest granddaughter celebrated her birthday today.  Brittani is one of the sweetest and kindest young ladies that you could ever know.  Brittani is a PEACE MAKER.  I can never recall an unkind word or negative expression about others ever coming from her.  She always has that beautiful smile, a soft voice and "I am fine" answer for when you ask her how she is.  Brittani is a wonderful wife and mother.  It is so great to see how she and Kevin work together in making a loving home for their two sweet daughters.  Brittani can be an example for all of us.  May she always be happy, healthy, and blessed.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Birthday to Jeffrey

When Jeff joined our family his father was so happy.  He had selected Jeffrey Dale Firth as his name when we were first expecting children.  Jeff has been a blessing to our family.  He is the quiet one.  I guess with all those sisters he probably couldn't get a word in edge wise.  Jeff is handy at doing almost anything ---- car repairs, machinery repairs, building, remodeling, and just about everything else.  He enjoys riding his Harley and relaxing.  He is an absolutely fantastic Grandfather and delights in Kinley, Kaden and Gracie.  Jeff is a valued employee at Procter and Gamble but most of all he is the Priesthood leader of his family.  May he be blessed to know how special he is.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Temple Blessings

We are home late tonight. Had a tuna sandwich and chips for our lunch and supper. Tonight was special. Today was the last day for President and Sister Kerr and his counselors in the Logan Temple.  On Tuesday, November 1, President and Sister Taylor and his counselors will become the new Presidency.

President and Sister Kerr were in our prayer meeting to give us a final training.  They are such humble and sweet servants.  They were also very sad to be leaving the many friends that they have served with and the wonderful people that come to the temple.  President Kerr's parting words were truly from his heart and wonderful spirit.  He said that he felt impressed that he should leave a blessing with us.  So, using all the keys of the kingdom given to him by the Prophet he pronounced a great blessing on us.  Many tears were present including my own.  He blessed us, our children, and our grandchildren with the blessings of Heaven that our hearts and lives would be turned to our Father in Heaven and our Savior.  That the concerns of us in the room would be known and that blessings would be had from above.  Such a powerful blessing.  One that touched me deeply and echoed the prayers of my own heart.

I continue to place our families names in the temple and try to exercise that FAITH to trust in the words- "THY WILL BE DONE."

I was also able to assist in helping a young lady as she received her endowments.  She will be married to her sweetheart this next Saturday.  This was so special and as I was by her side I thought of all my own beautiful granddaughters that I will be able to help someday.  What a glorious day it will be.  I love each of you so very much.  My heart and prayers are with each of you always.  Trust in your Father in Heaven and he will be with you in all things.  The Savior knows of your pains and desires for he has felt them before.  Lean on Him and follow Him.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

$177.00 plus $60.00

Wednesday Brad and I decided it was a good day to take one of our meandering drives.  After gassing up we headed west to I-84.  We were headed to Holbrook, Idaho, to the home of the Nalders that have been training us at the temple.  Then we would continue around and over the mountain and end up in Malad, Idaho.  The drive was very nice and it was fun to see the transition into late fall.  It was too early to stop at Mollies for lunch so we just took some treats and drinks with us. 
After our stop in Malad we decided that rather than get on I-15 and head home we would back track just a few miles and come home through Pocatello Valley.  Brad had spent quite a bit of time working in Pocatello Valley for Merlin Jackson and wanted to see the area again.  Pocatello Valley has many familiar names to us from my work at IFA.  The Church Farm "Big Fields", T. Frank Tolman, Michael Fuhriman, Denny Roberts, Deloris Stokes, Merlin Jackson and more.
It was truly a nice drive -----BUT ------ trouble was to be ours.  Two flat tires on the driver side of the pick-up.  Now, as you all probably know a vehicle only has ONE spare.  Thank heavens we were on the top of a rise and had two bars on the cell phone.  Oh, how grateful for cell phones.  I called Brittani and she gave me the telephone number for Archibald and Sons in Tremonton.  After being on hold for some time Brad was able to talk with Brad Archibald.  He headed out in his tow truck to rescue us.  It is a very large valley with many, many roads.  Brad gave him a general direction.  However, when Brad A. would try to call us he would lose reception.  Finally my Brad could see him and headed down the road to try and wave at him.  Finally they were able to make connection on the phone and Brad A. told him that he was about ready turn around and try another area.  Thank goodness we got together.
The ride back in the tow truck was crazy.  Brad Archibald drives like a crazy man.  At one time we went over a low swell and bounced high.  I just knew the pick-up would bounce off.  He had barely got it on the truck.  Maybe six inches to the back.  Crazy, Crazy.
We arrived at the shop in Tremonton where the pick-up was unloaded and Brad would stay to see what had caused the damage.  I made a call to Skylar and he came and took me home. 
They said it looked like a sharp rock had punctured both tires.  They were able to repair one but the other one was too damaged.  So a used tire that matched the others in size and tread was put on.  Our insurance did not have towing on it so this bill will be all ours.
Headed over the mountain to Malad

Looking down to Pocatello Valley ------ beautiful dry land farms ------ in the old days this would have been the school house for the children

We stopped and watched these deer ----- they did not bother to run----just looked at us

Sitting on this rise waiting for HELP ---- the views on either side ---- new grain coming up----- ground that has been harvested this year

Brad helping

So flat ---So crazy ----So not fun

Halloween in Minnesota

Nichole has been working on Halloween costumes for her family.  The young men and women had a party on Wednesday evening and the Ward Halloween Party is on Friday.

Clayton becoming a mummy and Tristin in his look alike Harry Potter cloths.  Nichole said that two girls at school were talking about him when he went by.  He heard them say "That is the boy that looks like Harry Potter"  Tristin loves this


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Baby Shower for Meagan

Tonya, MacKenzie, Kelsey and the Firth's hosted a baby shower for Meagan on Saturday afternoon.  I was only able to help by making the mini rolls for the shower because Brad and I would be working at the temple during the selected time.  Thanks MacKenzie for the fun pictures.  I hear it was amazing.  I do know that the Idle Isles chocolates were wonderful because Brad and I were able to have one when we dropped Heather off on our way to the temple.  Such a beautiful setting and such lovely food.
Lots of lovely gifts and friendships were shared.  The baby is scheduled to be born on Novemember 11, which is also Kinley's birthday.  These two little girls will be close friends I am sure.

Anoka High School

Received a picture of Tristin's school today from Nichole.  Looks rather imposing.  2700 students of which about fifteen are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 

The Apple Orchard

On Sunday afternoon the Isaacson family went for a ride to the Apple Orchard for a family evening together.  Nichole says that they had any and everything that could be made from apples, ----apple crisp, apple juice, apple syrup,  carmel apples ------- just everything.  They had a fun time together and purchased an apple crisp to take home and bake for the evening dessert.

Smile ---- you are on Candid Camera ----- Mom's Camera

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Glenda Lee has a Birthday

Brad and I enjoyed a drive to Logan to wish Glenda a very happy Birthday.  Number forty nine.  The family was all there but were enjoying a lazy Sunday afternoon so we did not get to see them all.  Did get to see Justin.  He is doing so good at his job and it sounds like he is truly a valued employee. 

It was nice to visit with Dan and Glenda and see the beautiful pictures of their trip to Yellowstone.  They were also sporting a new Honda car for Glenda in the garage.  Good looking. 

Glenda has always been a special daughter.  So quiet and helpful.  I am very grateful for her sweet kindness and helpfulness to me.  I hope she will enjoy many more birthdays.
Dan was giving me the don't look like the grandchildren ----- JoJo --- sound asleep ------ the two who run the house

Friday, October 21, 2011

It is BIRTHDAY time for TYLER

Tyler Lee Brewer is one today. He is keeping his parents quite busy. He loves to play but most of all he loves to cuddle with mom and dad. He will celebrate with a family party tonight. Love this little one with the cutest smile.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fall ----- one of my favorite seasons

Planting Fall Grain

Today Brad is planting the fall grain.  He does look a little strange driving a red tractor.  He is using Lynn Hardy's drill and tractor to plant.  We truly pray that we will again be blessed with a bounteous harvest next fall. 


Brad has put up the cute outside Halloween decorations and HE HAS PAINTED THE FLAGPOLE -----with Paul's help.  (I should have gotten pictures)  Brad got the old Farmhand tractor running because it will lift higher than Awesome.  He raised the bucket as high as he could get the ladder to reach ---then he climbed the ladder and crawled in the bucket to spray paint.  Soon he was as high as he could reach so Paul came over and Brad lifted him up even higher.  However, the top six inches was out of reach so they devised a plan.  The first one was to spray the paint on a rag at the end of a long stick and try to rub the paint on.  Did not work.  So they attached the spray can to the end of the stick and tied open the handle on the spray can sprayer attachment and let it spray until they thought they had it all.  Great job guys.  It looks great.  Had a bit of a problem getting new rope on the flag pole so we will wait for the tree trimmers to come and see if they will spread it threw.

Logan Ride

Yesterday Brad and I headed to Logan after finishing on the Mountain.  It was a beautiful and very enjoyable ride.  We had such a fun visit with Meagan and Tyler and then made a drop off to Glenda.  Yea! she needed zucchini.

Looking to the Wellsville Mountains

Crossing the swamps ---- they are full and the reeds are changing color

The Brewers new home ------ is is so nice for them ----- warm and homey

Tyler is warming up to us ----- just woke up from nap

Tyler is taking many steps on his own now ----- soon he will be running a mile a minute -----his smile is still so cute

Every where you look you can see the beautiful colors of autumn

To the Mountain

Traveled with Brad to the Elwood Town Wells again yesterday.  Beautiful mountains.
The pump house is the little white building on the left

Our Beautiful valley

Mountains on other side of valley with the BR ----- go Bear River