Thursday, March 31, 2011

Minnesota --- here comes the Isaacsons

Nichole, the boys, and Sarah left this morning to see Jeff in Minnesota.  They will be in my prayers until their safe return.  Brad and I are sitting Daisy.  Oh! she is so sad.  She knows that her family will be gone for awhile.  It is amazing how smart and sensitive these little animals are that come to stay at our house.  It is not that we are mean or anything.  In fact they really enjoy it when Brad plays with them,  but we are still not their  own family.  Daisy will be sad until they return.  Lots of laying around and watching and listening for the back door to open and they come running in.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Last evening Heather was excited to spell her name for me.  When her mom called she could hardly wait to tell Grandma what she could do.  Good for Heather.  She is growing and changing so fast.  Like the song "Sunrise, Sunset", we will wonder where the time went.  Love her so much.

Projects finished

MacKenzie and her mom have been working hard on her school assignment.  She has finished this one ----crazy.  She must earn 1000 points and this project, even though it took hours is only worth 75 points.

Amy has been busy with sewing projects in between working many hours.  She is really becoming a good little sewer and whats more she really is enjoying it.  I am glad because having something in your life that brings a great feeling of joy and satisfaction is very helpful.  Proud of the way she has taken hold and worked hard at sewing and creating.

Little bag to hold diaper and wipes

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dr. Wood

For my journal ----- Appointment with Dr. Wood in Logan today.  He is an ETN doctor.  Took the results and recommendations from previous ultra sound.  He also felt a biopsy is necessary.  Is scheduled for next week at the Logan Hospital. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

In like a Lamb ---- Out like a Lion

That has been March in Elwood ----- SOOOO COLD ----- But it does have a unique beauty.

Sun shining on Promentory Mountains

Grain field dusted with snow

The crocus will survive

Tulips and daffodils are coming up

When it is cold outside I warm the inside of my home with the smell of baking ---- which I really enjoy

Sunday - visit with some of family

Sunday was a nice day for me.  I was blessed to visit with some of our family.    Enjoy
Waiting for Dinner

Hungry ---- but still playing games

MacKenzie doing her school project ----(so much busy work)

Moose and Molly are glad to see Grandpa
Soon Kaden will be one and can use the car seat that he LOVES

Grandpa's Buddy

I am so glad to have Kaden in my life ---- such a fine boy

Our little sweetheart --- personality PLUS ---- How we love the hugs and kisses

Kinley really loves Uncle Ryan's new toy

Gosh ---- Uncle Ryan wants to be the driver ----- Grandpa and Dad are next

Very special friends

Jeff and "Lisa's" new wheels ---- Hope they can find time to enjoy many rides together

Damon's Eagle Project

Damon, Todd, Brad and Paul made a very special shopping trip to Home Depot yesterday.  Damon is ready to complete his Eagle Scout project.  Along with some help and advice from his parents, ward scout leaders and with the support of his Grandfather Frank he will be completing a project at the Elwood Town Cemetery.  He and his father and grandpa met with the city council at the last town council meeting and presented his idea for the project.  He had researched it very well.  Had a great design planned and a full expense report for the mayor and councilmen.  He would like to build a protected case for the cemetery to show the grave plots where the deceased are buried.  This will enable people who visit the cemetery to find who they are looking for much easier.  The council approved the project and gave him an allowance of $450.00.  This is a bit over the amount that he had requested if they approved. 
So the trip to Home Depot was to purchase the needed supplies.  They then came to the big workshop shed when they returned home and began the work.  Uncle Paul has generously told them that they can use his building equipment.  I am sorry for not having any pictures  - will try to get some as the work goes on.

Today Todd came to work for awhile - Damon will be coming after school to do some more work.  Brad is also a great help.  He is looking forward to this being placed at the cemetery.

Now that is the way to vacation!!!!

The Brewer family flew out early Friday Morning to spend a few days in Chandlier, Arizona, with Garens family.  This is a mobile picture from the vacationing family.  Tyler looks like he is enjoying the "WARM" weather.  Hope they are having a fantastic time.  Brad and I will pick them up at the airport late Monday evening.  Meagan reports that Tyler handled the flight like a pro.  He loves to watch people and we hope they have many more fun vacations together.

We picked up the Brewer family on Monday evening.  It was a stormy and cold time in Utah.  It would be nice if they could have packed some of that Arizona sunshine and brought home.  Their best laid plans were foiled though.  Their flight was delayed an hour and baby Tyler had a little bit harder time with the flight home because it was his bath and get ready for bed time.  We were glad when they were again on the ground and back in Utah.  Lots of new experiences for Brad and I.

Dark clouds over the Great Salt Lake

Flight 1282 ---- Delayed ---- The airport experience is always so interesting

The Johnsons Tank

Mary and Todd's salt water tank in really so much fun.  At our last visit to their home they had added a new coral "The Pipe Organ".  It is so fascinating to watch the coral and how they live, move and respond.

Another new Coral was added on Wednesday to the Johnsons tank

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The future for Mary and Todd's tank


Wednesday was the day to meet with the tax man.  SCARY   We spent the night at Stansbury Park with the Despains and had decided we would head to Provo  the back way coming out on the east side of Lehi and then onto the freeway to continue south.  This is a road Brad and I have not traveled and since it is our plan to see as much of Utah as possible we  headed out.  Said our good byes and was on the road by 8:15 a.m.  Well, lots of sagebrush and then a bit more sagebrush.  Now we know the exact reason that the hazardous chemical burn plant was located there.  It is the west desert.  But we were not the only travellers  on the road ---- surprised at how many.  We hear on the news about Eagle Mountain, Saratoga Springs, and Lehi and now we can say we know where they are.  It was fun to see Utah Lake from the west.  Even though it was overcast it still looked beautiful.  I was a bit surprised and saddened to see the unfinished housing developments.  The economy has taken its toll. 
 I always enjoy a good ride with Brad.  I remember when we were just dating and asked him if he would like to go to the Ice Capades with the children and I.  He said he would.  When we were ready to leave I asked him if he would like to drive to Salt Lake.  Again he said he would.  He later told me that he had never driven to downtown Salt Lake.  Oh! how the changes have come in both our lives.  He has driven many times and to many areas in the Salt Lake Valley.  He is very good at it and I feel very safe.  His sense of direction and his memory are great.  It is a good thing because I am a lousy navigator.  One of our future goals is to travel US89.  Brad has been checking it out on the map and it goes all the way from the Mexico border to the Canadian border.  Only gets lost once in the Salt Lake area.  Back roads are alot more fun than the freeway.

Heading East

Utah Lake ---- calm

Big and beautiful ----- but will others come

I am sure we have all used their great products

Freeway construction ---- can't seem to miss it
 By 1:00 the taxes were complete (with a great report) and we headed for home ---- VIA Sardine Canyon to deliver some paperwork to Glenda.  RAIN ---- it poured RAIN.  All the way through the Canyon the wipers were going full speed and it was still hard to see.  One thing for sure the car got cleaned.  We had such a nice visit with Glenda and the pups.  They are very active, strong and curious.  I think JoJo was a bit sad that the new pup has come.  A quick run to Sam's Club (HA HA) and headed across the mountain for home.  Tired ---- but we needed to stop and see Shaylee's new car and give her our congratulations. (Missed her but saw the car).  Arrived home at 7:00 p.m.  Long Long Day and many miles.  Good thing that Cadillac gets good mileage (30).

Good Looking Car for Shaylee

We really hope that Shaylee enjoys her new car.  How well I remember when she first got her license and her mom and dad gave her the little white car.  She was so nervous about driving.  Now look at this ---- her own car, her own job, a great girl with a great future.  I hope she really enjoys the ride but will always remember to be like that first cautious girl and be real careful.  Now just waiting for our family teacher to emerge.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Moose and Molly

Brad and I had house pets this last weekend.  Moose and Molly stayed with us while the Woodruff family was in St. George.  They were good puppies.  Loved sitting and sleeping on Brad's lap and going for walks with him to get the mail and to his mom's.  They did great but - as soon as Tonya arrived to get them we were forgotten and no amount of coaxing was going to get them to stay with us.  We have alot of pets in our family.  It is a great commitment to take on an animal ---- but I am glad to see that they are all well cared for and loved.

One Son

One Son --- that is my blessing.  I received a nice phone call from Jeff to tell me that he had received a good promotion at work.  I am so proud of him and his hard work ethic.  But perhaps the greatest joy to my heart is to see his family commitment.  He is truly enjoying the blessing of being a Grandpa.  A weekly visit to McDonald's with little Kinely for food and playtime.  I am sure that soon Baby Kaden will also enjoy this special time with Grandpa. 

He stopped by this last Friday for a visit and to show us his new TOY.  The black Harley has become a beautiful blue Harley.  Also a few years newer.  He truly enjoys riding and it is nice to see he and Lisa enjoy this time together. 

The promotion at work will mean a three year commitment but it will also mean that he will be working straight days.  This we are happy for.  That shift work looks mighty stressful to me.  Keep up the good work.

Happy Birthday to Jacob

Nine years!!!  Where did they go.  Jacob is growing into a fine young man.  There are so many things that Jacob loves to do it is hard to say which might be his favorite.  He is always reading a book or maybe even two.  Spending time in his playroom building and playing with his Lego's.  Riding his bike, playing the WII, playing games with mom and dad or even grandma and grandpa, and helping mom and dad whenever he can keep this young man very busy.  Jacob loves sleepovers in mom and dad's room when mom has the weekend off.  He is very faithful in completing his household jobs to help mom and dad out.  He is working very hard on his cub scouting and has completed the first class and is now starting on his second year.  Jacob will be playing soccer again this spring and I am told his favorite position is Goalie.  He loves stopping that ball and kicking it out into play again.  Jacob also loves his Father in Heaven and Savior.  He always remembers his prayers and loves reading his scriptures.  I know he will be a faithful missionary when the time is right.  Our love to him and hope his birthday is very special.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Brad and I were invited to Birthday Dinner and celebration with Jacob.  We had a fun night.  Even slept over.  Thanks so much for including us.  He received some very nice gifts.  A camera (had taken alot of pictures by the time we left), new shoes, a trip to build a bear, and a bear cub scout book and the neckerchief and slide and troop numbers all sewed nicely on his shirt.