Monday, August 9, 2010

Gratefulness Felt at Martins Cove

Inspired again by Martin's Cove and the faith of our Pioneer Forefathers.  (Am reading Brother Lunds book again - "Fire of the Covenant").  Many changes to the Visitors Center since Brad, Natalie and I were there the last time - November 4, 2001.  Kind of missed the old a little bit.  Everything is so polished now it is hard to visualize the hardship of the Handcart company that suffered and survived their journey.  Nichole, Skylar, and Tristin made the hike to the Cove (about four miles round trip) and then Hunter joined them on the hike back.  Brad, Clayton and I were able to ride in the Ranger to the Cove. (these darn legs)  Our driver was a little sister missionary and she was a goer.  Coming down I really did hold on tight.  The edge of the trail looked awfully close at times.  We heard some very special stories and our hearts were touched by the faith of these handcart saints.  Again the film at the visitors center brought tears to my eyes.  I have experienced the death of a very special loved one in my life so perhaps my heart is tender.  I too have seen my own children rise to the need and call to be supportive to their mother.  No not in the hardship of cold and hunger but still in the hardship of loosing a husband and father.   And just like these Saints I too know that Heavenly Father was with us, bouying us up to the challenge.  I thank Him and I thank my ancestors for their faith to know that this gospel his our Saviors gospel.
One of the funniest stories and is going on now is about "Elder Oscar".   Elder Oscar is a big white dog that belongs to the Sun Family. (The original owners of the ranch where the Martin's Cove Center is now located. )  They still own some of the ranch and have this big white dog.  Whenever there are groups of youth at the Cove on Trek, Elder Oscar will adopt one of the groups and will not leave to go home until that group leaves.  (there were four groups there at the time we were and Nichole, Skylar, Tristin and Hunter were able to see Elder Oscar) During one of the treks that Elder Oscar was present one of the youth wanted to go into her tent but Elder Oscar kept blocking the door.  The youth called for a leader to help get him out of the way ----- but when they opened the tent door there was a rattlesnake inside the tent.  Elder Oscar truly was protecting this young person.  They say that he is so faithful in looking over the group that he adopts.  He will then go home and come back for another group.

I hope that we can always appreciate those who sacrifice for us whether it be in the gospel, in the nation or in our families.  We are blessed because others care.

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