Sunday, August 22, 2010

Another Visit to the Emergency Room

After a big and late day - Brad and I had hardly been in bed when his phone rang. (12:15 a.m.
Sunday Morning )  It was his mother and she was not doing well.  Her legs were hurting her so badly.  Brad got up and was getting dressed while I gave Teresa a call to go over with him to see what the problem was.  Brad soon called me to say that they were taking Grandma to the ER.  Her legs were very very swollen and she was experiencing a great deal of pain.  Teresa and Paul followed in their car.  At one I called and talked with Brad and asked if I should come up.  He said he would appreciate that.  I had just been puttering at home waiting for word.  Did the supper dishes, folded a batch of laundry and started a new one.  When I arrived they were doing an ultrasound on Grandmas legs to be sure that there were not any blood clots.  They had already taken blood to do some checking and x-rayed her chest.  Long story short one of her daughters and her girls had taken her on a shopping spree for about six hours in Ogden. Yes, they had taken a wheel chair but her legs had been down all day and she was very tired. But to top it all off they did not help her get the things that she needed done.  Lots of trauma going on in the ER and the visit lasted until 3 a.m.  I was very impressed with the ER Doctor and his thoroughness in the situation.  He told her to keep her legs elevated and to use some Tylenol or Ibuprofen to help relieve the swelling and ease the pain.  Also do her leg exercises and make an appointment to see her caregiver Dr. Schow who could review the ER results and prescribe accordingly.  I am truly grateful for those who serve us in the medical field.  Had a hard time sleeping and resting so at six started one of the sets of sprinklers on the back lawn, watered my flower pots at the front of the house and changed the batch of laundry.  The energy is just a bit low this morning.

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