Friday, June 4, 2010

Happy Birthday to Heidi Anne

June 5th will make it Twenty-one years for this sweet granddaughter. Heidi is the oldest child of three born to Mary Anne and Todd. Through the years she has always been a great help to her parents in playing with, caring for and being a great big sister to Shaylee and Damon. I see a lot of her mother in Heidi ---- always willing to give of herself to family and friends. One of her favorite times is when she goes hunting and shooting with her dad. Heidi has actually "bagged" a deer and put in the work that it takes to get it off the mountain. When it comes to riding a four wheeler she can do it with the best. (She just needs to keep a close eye on her dad) Heidi always worked hard in school always giving extra time and effort. School was not always ease and we are proud of her for never giving up. Since graduation she has had some hard times but followed them up with amazing accomplishments. She continues her schooling at Bridgerland and will "Complete" the necessary courses for her last course in the spring. Heidi is now a licensed beautician and everyday her skills become quicker and sharper as she works and cares for her family. One thing about Heidi and her Mom and Shaylee right now is that Grandma is never sure just what color their hair will be next. or if it will be long or short. Such fun. What a fun delightful granddaughter. Heidi has great love and compassion for animals and really enjoys the family dogs ---- namely -- Lexi, Sheba and Sadi ----- and the kennel dog whose name I can't remember. She also has a cat that she cares for. I always feel that someone that can show such great love to animals has a heart of great kindness and compassion. I am so proud of the way Heidi is directing her life and know she can do anything she will put her mind to. Love you lots

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