Thursday, May 27, 2010

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Wednesday evening Brad and I were able to help get Clayton and Hunter to their ballgames. Clayton plays pitching machine and really gets into the game. Wish they were teaching them a bit more about the basics, but he sure does well.

Hunters game started before Claytons ended but luckily they were in the same ballpark so we were able to catch a couple of innings of Hunters. He does a fantastic job as catcher. They took him out at one point and that was a big mistake. The replacement catcher missed every ball and the other team was able to score several runs. It took only a few minutes before Hunter was put back in. Skylar came to the ball field after his game in Layton. He is really struggling being on the team that he was drafted to. He thinks the coach is great but the majority of the players just aren't so hot. He says he plays catcher, pitcher, and every other position because no one wants to get with it.

Tristin was unable to attend his game because he and his mother were invited to a special awards ceremony at Syracuse Junior High School. Tristin received awards for High Honor Roll and Excellence in Science. Maybe we have a future Scientist on our hands. Congratulations to Tristin ---- keep up the good work.

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