Monday, May 19, 2014

Glenda our Angel

Today my beautiful daughter Glenda Lee Nesbit passed away at the Logan Regional Hospital at 10:30 a.m.  I was blessed to sit with her along with many family members who love her dearly.  Mothers are suppose to make their children all better, give them a kiss and send them on their way.  I so wanted to make her all better but I just couldn't so I pled with my Heavenly Father to please bring her home and take away her suffering. A prayer not unfamiliar to me. This same plea went to Heaven from my lips for her father thirty five years ago. When you love someone so deeply you except their pain as yours so they may be free.  I think of the love my Savior has for me because he willingly suffered greater pain than I can begin to imagine to free me from my weaknesses.
Tonight my heart hurts so bad I think it should shatter into a million pieces.  But, tomorrow is a new day And I shall try my best to let the peace the Savior so freely offers enfold me and help me along.

I have so much I want to record of Glenda's last few days but for now I am spent. I want her back the same as I wanted her father back. I have lived with HOPE that all would be well.  Now my hope is gone. My tears are many.  Some of joy for her and some of anguish for me.   I know that my prayers sent to Heaven have been answered according to the Lord's eternal plan.  As President Kimball told me thirty five years ago. Keep your faith strong.  Go to your Father in Heaven for He knows you and He loves you.  He is very aware of your pain and he will help you to go on.

My sweet daughter. Rest is now yours. You did the work, you kept the faith and you are free.  I love you so much.

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