WOW!!! that is all that I can say about our first experience as workers in the Logan Temple. As Brad and I met at the close of our shift we both looked a bit bedraggled and I have to honestly say TIRED. We had bought us each a pair of nice leather shoes to work in. It is so funny because on the box it says that they were guaranteed for 1000 miles. I just told Brad that I had not expected to walk 999 the first night. But the most wonderful and amazing thing is the testimony of prayer that is gained. I had prayed fervently that my knees and legs would not give out on me. Stairs have been hard with the new knee and the other knee needing to be replaced. I have to take them one at a time and very slow. I was able to walk all the stairs in the temple from the basement to the third floor. I even handled the spiral staircase. Yes, my legs were very tired but the pain of each step was not there. I was able to do the necessary standing also. I do know that a special blessing was mine.
We met many kind and gracious people who greeted us with such great encouragement. Sister Lynette is in our group and sister Susie Pugsley. It is always good to see familiar faces. Our trainers are Brother and Sister Nalder from Holbrook. They have served for a little less than a year and she said she was as nervous as me because they just finished being trained a short time ago. They also had just returned home from a mission in Nauvoo before this calling. Very sweet sister.
I know that we will be okay and that our minds will be made alert and we will be able to memorize and REMEMBER. I think that perhaps the greatest joy of the week has been the sweet closeness that I have felt for my companion Brad. To share in something so sacred brings about a change of attitudes in how we view and treat others. He is my best friend, my best cheerleader, my best protector, my best helper and most of all my sweet husband. I am blessed.
I do hope that some of my children and grandchildren will be interested in reading this post because I would like to share one of the sweetest experiences of the night. I do know that the Lord works in mysterous ways His wonders to perform.
After we were dressed in our white cloths we proceded to the basement area of the temple where the cafeteria is located along with two other rooms to attend prayer meeting. We were in the room to the far South but I knew that it had a special meaning to me and the spirit was very close. We had been asked to sit up front to be introduced to the group. My tears were very close because of the special memory that I held in my heart and I was afraid that they would think I was silly. After all it was just an introduction. But---that was not the reason for the tears.
It was the memory of a very special day in 1979. I think that perhaps my older children will remember this day. The Logan Temple had been closed for sometime while it was TOTALLY renovated. All that was left standing were the outside walls. Everything else would be replaced. It was now complete and time for the re dedication. Dale had passed away and so when the tickets were handed out to the priesthood of the ward we had no one to represent us so the tickets that we received would place us in the basement by the cafeteria in the South room where we would watch the service on a TV screen. Janalee had really kind of been mean about the situation because at the time Bill was serving in a Stake calling and their tickets would place them in the Assembly Room with the First Presidency. Yes, I did feel bad, my heart was already broken, and I truly felt so alone at the time.
The older children and I dressed in our best and headed to the temple. I do believe that Tonya, Glenda, Jeff, and Teresa were old enough to attend. Mary would have been 10 but I just can't remember for sure. (Let me know Mary)
We were guided down the stairs and shown the area where we would be sitting. We were kind of in the middle of the front row. Well, just shortly before it was time for the service to begin a gentleman in a beautiful white suit came into the room. He looked around and walked over to me. "Sister", he said, "will you and your family please follow me". Now the children were being good as gold and I didn't think there was a problem. But, we arose and followed him. He took us further South to an elevator. Oh, and it was a beautiful elevator with gold doors. He opened them and asked us to join him. When he closed the doors he looked at me and these beautiful children and said, "I am taking you to the Celestial Kingdom". When the elevator stopped we exited out the opposite door and he guided us into the Assembly Room on the top floor of the temple where the First Presidency would officiate at the re dedication. He seated us, gave me an angel smile and left.
Does the Lord look after His own. Oh, yes He does. He knew of the sadness in my heart that day and he lifted me up. He helped me know that He knew of me and my sweet eight children and that I was not alone. He let me know that life is eternal and that I could go on and accomplish my life her on earth. He let me know that I would be sustained in raising the sweet eight children that He had entrusted to Dale and I, and that I would find joy and peace in my life. I just need to always have the FAITH that would be needed.
When we left the prayer meeting on Saturday the sisters walked South in the hall and there was that beautiful gold door to the elevator that goes to the Celestial Kingdom. I haven't seen it from the basement area for 32 years but that same beautiful feeling came to me. I Thank My Heavenly Father for again testifying to me that LIFE IS ETERNAL and that HE LOVES ME and WATCHES OVER ME.
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