Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy Birthday to Amy Despain

Where did the time go? It has been thirty-one years since my last little one was born. Boy was it a cold December day. Mom had returned home to Idaho after having spent Christmas with us. I guess we figured we would have a little bit longer before the baby decided it was time to come even though Christmas Day was the due date. Anyway on that Saturday morning of December 30th it was time. Around noon Tonya and Glenda would take me to the "New Hospital" (Now the closed up one) in Tremonton. All of the other children had been born in the old hospital on the hill so this would be a new experience for me. I sure was used to the old and familiar but all this new stuff was different. The girls did a terrific job looking after me and Jeff and Teresa did a great job of looking after the little ones at home. A telephone call had been made to Grandma in Idaho and she would be headed back down to help. Before Dale had passed away he had already decided that Dawn would be this baby's middle name. (Do you ever wonder why he knew it would be a girl --- I guess the odds were just there.) We had not decided on a given name for her but after the baby was born and Tonya and Glenda were seeing her for the first time Glenda suggested Amy. That was the perfect name - for Amy Dawn does mean Beloved of the Morning and that is exactly what she is. She brought to us the greatest love that a family can have at a time when it was needed so badly. The spirit of a new little special child of God can bring the sweetest joy to a home and family. The last thirty one years have been filled with her sweet love and concern for me. Always a call to see how I am doing and if she can help me with anything. Her experiences in life have not always been the easiest but she continues to move forward and excell in all that she puts her mind to. Happy Birthday to Amy and may life be filled with peace and happiness.

We drove to Stansbury and enjoyed a great supper of soup and sandwiches and then played on the new family WII. Not to good at Mario but could manage Toy Story Mania. It was fun to be with Amy for her Birthday. Love you so much

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