Sunday, May 18, 2014

My Sweet Daughter Glenda

Today was hard. There is no other way to say it.  It stunk, it was horrible, it was sad, it was plain and simply not good. Glenda was taken to the ER this morning in severe pain. When I talked with her on Saturday she said the pain had gotten worse and Friday night and Saterday were bad. The pain medicine was only lasting about two hours. We talked about who she would go to for help. The nurse at the cancer center gave her the name of a doctor she really liked. Dr Ben Jacob was out ill but the clinic would see about getting something different. If nothing else she would go to the ER.
Saturday night it was growing worse. Early Sunday it was severe and she began throwing up.  Dan took her to the ER and they started a strong pain med. it began to help but the pain came so they gave her more. This gave some relief. They did a scan, blood work and drained about 500cc of fluid from her abdomen to relieve some pressure.  She has infection. The fluid was milky and stinky.  A Dr. Jones was the ER doctor.  They felt maybe she had an intestinal leak so a surgeon was called in.  Dr. Scott Anderson. Surgery would be about an hour and a half. In an hour he came out and sat down between Dan and Brad. The news was not good.

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