Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy Birthday to Amy Dawn

Today my youngest child turns thirty three.  Funny how time flies and yet sometimes drags.  I remember very well the day that Amy was born.  It was a very cold Saturday.  I had been miserable during the night.  However, I was also very nervous about this delivery.  Delbert had insisted that he would take me to the hospital and be there.  No way could I handle that situation at this time.  He had stopped in Saturday morning and we all put on our best smiles and tried to act like nothing was going on.  When he left action took over.  Tonya and Glenda would take me to the hospital and Jeff and Teresa would be in charge until they got home and Grandma Clayton could arrive.

Amy was the only one of my children to be born in the then new, now old, hospital.  Dr. Kerr was my doctor and knowing that we had just buried Dale a few days before he did his very best to help me physically and emotionally.  This would be the only one of my children that I would deliver all by myself.  The girls would wait in the waiting room.  It went just fine and I felt so blessed to hold this new little spirit in my arms.  I knew that her father would be so pleased with her and give me a pat on the back for "a good job".  This precious little baby was truly a life saver to me and my little family.  She brought a great spirit of love and service to our home.  She kept me going.

Today, Amy, is still a life saver.  Everyday she gives me a call to see how I am and tell me about her family.  I appreciate this very much.  When there is a good sale at her stores she will call and see if I need anything.  Her trips to JoAnns for flannel have helped me so much.  Amy is a hard worker and does her very best to make a lovely home for Danny and Jacob.  She has worked the night shift at the hospital for over ten years now so that she or Danny could watch over Jacob.  She is an excellent nurse whose skills with the tiny little ones amazes me.

Today we will drive to Stansbury to celebrate with her and her family.  May she always find joy and peace in life as the days continue on.

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