Sunday, April 17, 2011

Heather stays over

Brad and I have been blessed to have Heather spend about thirty hours with us.  We drove to Farmington early Saturday morning to deliver some items to the Sorias and pick up Heather.  She was very excited.  She is such a sweet and fun little girl.  Everything in life is so full of excitement and wonder for a small child.  Millions of questions,  lots of ideas of things to do,  and lots of smiles, giggles and happy times.

We played the "Guess Who the Princess Is" game on the way home.  She can tell you everything about each one even down to the color of dress.  I finally ran out of Princesses.  So then we sang a few songs and she showed us how she could count backwards.  This was in the first thirty minutes of the drive. 
When we arrived home we watched a movie, played some games, had a craft time and then Grandma had to rest a few minutes before we got ready to go to the Baseball Banquet.
We arrived at The Woodruffs before five and headed to the High School.  It was a fun but long evening and Heather was great.  We told her that this was the place that her mom danced ---- she really thought that was neat.  Aunt Tonya, MacKenzie and Nate were so helpful and kind during the evening.  I so appreciate all that they did.  It was a very nice evening and I was very proud of Nate and his teammates.
Uncle DelRay came after work and helped us get back to our car at their home.  Tired and ready for bed.  Heather and I slept in the sewing room bedroom.  She hardly moved ----- I think she was very tired.  This morning about seven fifteen she tapped me and said it was time to get up.  Another special day with lots of things happening.  Her mom, dad, and brother Sam arrived for dinner and then we had some family visitors.  The Firths, the Brewers, Carli and Kaden, and Uncle Paul would brighten our day.  Lots of tears from our little girl when she had to go home.  So sad ----- I promised her she could come and stay for a longer time when school was out. 
A quick trip to the Woodruffs to wish Kelsy a Happy Birthday ----- Oh Dear we missed her so we headed to Dusty's parents home in East Garland to see them. The Woodruffs rode with us. Dusty would be leaving for Boise very soon.
On the drive home we took the Woodruffs by the Elwood Cemetery to see Damon's Eagle Project.  It has been a long but wonderful day. 
Princess Easter Heather

We made crowns with sparkle, Easter Basket and eggs

Heather sitting on the Bear at the Bear River High School Gym ---- where her mom danced

Movie and treat time

A new way to play checker with Grandpa

Helping Grandma make Cinnamon Rolls

She even helped make the dough --- cut and fold the hot rolls and cut the cinnamon rolls with a thread

Swinging in the rain with Grandpa ------ coaxed all day for this ----- to bad the weather was bad

But it was so much fun

Helping with the clean up

Fixing lunch for Grandpa and Grandma

Carli and Kaden ----- so happy

Garen ---- needs a moment to relax

Mom ---- still feeling lousy ----- but wears a smile

Baby Tyler ---- he is getting a tooth

Enjoying family --- Jeff and Lisa

This little boy is so happy and loved

Two little great grandsons ----- in green and blue

These two love to play and tease

Daddy reading a story

Kaden wants to play too

Walking can't be too far away --- loves to climb up to things

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