Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day for Grandma's Doctor Visit

Brad and I took his mom to the doctor this morning.  She is doing great ---- for 96.  He checked her over and did some lab work ---- told her she could celebrate 100 years.  That was probably her least desireable thing to hear at the visit.  She is doing fine but we can see some definite aging changes.  Wish her the very best of her desires.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Another Visit to the Emergency Room

After a big and late day - Brad and I had hardly been in bed when his phone rang. (12:15 a.m.
Sunday Morning )  It was his mother and she was not doing well.  Her legs were hurting her so badly.  Brad got up and was getting dressed while I gave Teresa a call to go over with him to see what the problem was.  Brad soon called me to say that they were taking Grandma to the ER.  Her legs were very very swollen and she was experiencing a great deal of pain.  Teresa and Paul followed in their car.  At one I called and talked with Brad and asked if I should come up.  He said he would appreciate that.  I had just been puttering at home waiting for word.  Did the supper dishes, folded a batch of laundry and started a new one.  When I arrived they were doing an ultrasound on Grandmas legs to be sure that there were not any blood clots.  They had already taken blood to do some checking and x-rayed her chest.  Long story short one of her daughters and her girls had taken her on a shopping spree for about six hours in Ogden. Yes, they had taken a wheel chair but her legs had been down all day and she was very tired. But to top it all off they did not help her get the things that she needed done.  Lots of trauma going on in the ER and the visit lasted until 3 a.m.  I was very impressed with the ER Doctor and his thoroughness in the situation.  He told her to keep her legs elevated and to use some Tylenol or Ibuprofen to help relieve the swelling and ease the pain.  Also do her leg exercises and make an appointment to see her caregiver Dr. Schow who could review the ER results and prescribe accordingly.  I am truly grateful for those who serve us in the medical field.  Had a hard time sleeping and resting so at six started one of the sets of sprinklers on the back lawn, watered my flower pots at the front of the house and changed the batch of laundry.  The energy is just a bit low this morning.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Wallpaper is Done

It is finished ----- nearly the last step in the kitchen makeover for now.  Just some painting left and then a real good  cleaning of cupboards and drawers ---- and some getting rid of STUFF.  Thanks to everyone for such wonderful help.  We could never have done it by ourselves.

What a Night - He now has a matched pair

After two hours in the ER ---- we have a large blue wrapping

Yesterday was suppose to be the day to complete the wallpapering in the kitchen.  Brad and I are getting a lot slower and he was also irrigating the hay field.  I would do as much as I could and then when he was able to come in he would help me.   (Can't believe how slow and awkward we are).  Everything was done except the two pieces to hang by the kitchen window.  Some pretty complicated cuts.  I called Teresa at seven and asked her if she could come and help us, since she is more agile.  Teresa and I started while Brad was at the last changing of water.  When he came in we were maybe a fourth of the way into the project.  The cutting blade to trim the wallpaper was not doing so good so Brad decided to change the razor blade in it.  Well-----Teresa and I heard some dairy barn swearing come from the backroom. (haven't heard that for a very very long time).  Brad comes into the kitchen with a towel wrapped around his hand that was getting very red.  "I cut myself" he said.  Yep he did ---- One finger real bad and the next one to it some.  After looking at it we knew he needed some stitches.  This is at seventy-thirty at night so Teresa headed to the ER with him and I tried to finish up what I could on the wallpaper.  It was cut deep so and inside stitch was needed and then on the outside because it was so close to the nail they had to make the stitches go through the flesh and the fingernail.  Two hours later they came home.  Brad was one tired man.  He had been up most of the night watering and so he had been operating with minimal sleep for twenty four hours. The Isaacsons had arrived
by now and the house was very active.  But we got a pain killer into Brad and sent him to the shower (Don't get that hand wet) and then to bed.  WHAT A DAY!!!!!!!!!
Still has a Smile ---- But it sure isn't ful

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Happy Birthday to Conner

Eighteen years ago a very handsome baby son came to the Nesbit home.  He would be number three son and the last child for Dan and Glenda. He would be welcomed home by his brothers Justin and Tyson. 
Conner has always been a very special boy.  Kind in spirit and yet full of great energy also.  He has always been very respectful of those around him.  Conner is a young man with many interests and talents.  Some he has enjoyed and magnified and some did just not capture his heart.  A short stint at the violin but he found that he preferred singing.  Through his years at Logan High School he would be a member of the schools elite vocal groups.  He was also selected to sing with the All State Choir.  As a member of the Thespians he has played rolls in plays at the High School.  Conner has participate in baseball, throwing the javelin, the shot putt, and cross country.  Apple technology is one of his favorite past times.  He is very adept at this.  Conner has been working at the Kings department store in Logan while attending school.  He is a graduate of Logan High School and will be attending Utah State University.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Temple Day for Amanda

Beautiful Amanda and some of those attending with her ---- Missed Mark, Natalie and Sid --- They skipped out --- and John he was taking picture also

We were blessed to attend the Bountiful Temple on Tuesday evening in support of a sweet Granddaughter Amanda Jo.  My heart is so very full of gratefulness and joy for this wonderful experience.  There is no place like the temple to humble my spirit and remind me of the great love of my Father in Heaven and my Savior Jesus Christ.  I am in awe of all that is set before me to partake of if I will only be humble and follow the commandments. 

Lisa rode with Brad and I and it was good ----- her knowledge of the area really helped Grandpa with the driving and we so enjoyed visiting with her.  We arrived an hour early (because I worry so much about being late) and after getting dressed, placing some names on the prayer roll and receiving the new name went to the chapel.  I am so very happy for the time spent there.  A gentleman was playing the organ and it was so relaxing and unwinding for me.  I love the hymns and as he played each one the words came to my mind and again I was blessed to know I am a daughter of God and He loves and cares for me.  At the front of the chapel is the beautiful painting of our Savior.  At first we were sitting quit far back in the chapel but I truly felt that the Savior's eyes were looking right at me.  As I mentally talked with him about the things of my heart I truly felt of his spirit and concern.  After the patrons of the 6:30 sessions left we were asked to move to the front of the chapel.  Sitting on the third row and looking up at the Saviors picture I again felt so strongly that He was looking directly at me and knew of my concerns, hopes, joys and my heart.  I love my Savior ----- I cannot express the overwhelming joy and love that I feel for Him.  Sometimes I wonder why I can be so slothful in my service to Him.  He would never be that way with me.

Soon Kelsey and Dusty came in and were sitting right behind us.  It was not long before one of the men officiating at the seven o clock endowment session came to them.  I heard him say that it looked like they were a happily married couple.  (so cute together and look so in love)  He asked them to be the witness couple for the sessions.  Lisa leaned over to me and said "They must have PICK ME written on them".  This is the second time that they have been asked to be the witness couple in their three short months of marriage.  I heard the gentleman ask them if they knew what to do.  YEP ---- hey guys isn't experience wonderful.   Sid and Natalie arrived and Teresa and Brandon Paul would tend Garrett, Heather and Sam at the Soria home.  Amanda had to be to the temple much earlier and Meagan was her Escort and arrived earlier also.   Garin was Dan's escort.  The girls seem to handle everything just great.  Meagan said that at least they were not the last ones to get on the priesthood robes.  I am so very proud of these girls.  Our session was very large which takes much longer --- it made us a bit latter than I thought we would be but so worth it.  Attend the temple often, it will bring you blessings in your life, marriage and home that can not be received any place else.

After a quick stop at the Isaacson's to swap vehicles. (Nicholes needed to be to Barfuss Garage today) we headed for home.  After locking the park for the night the clock said 11:15.  Dropped into bed very tired but so happy. 
Happy Witness Couple --- So wonderful to be so happy

Monday, August 16, 2010

Down to Six

About twenty years ago Brad and I planted 200 bare root hedge plants around the back of our yard.  For many years I was able to keep it trimmed and then in the last few years Brad has had to take over the job with just minimal help from me.  Well enough is enough.  We are just unable to maintain a good quality hedge anymore.  We are not feeble but we are older and trimming and cleaning up four times a year is just not something we can do.  So last Thursday Brad took Awesome and pushed out a section.  That now just leaves us six hedges behind the hanging swing.  For now it will stay ---- we will see how it goes.  The field and mountains are now even more visible and I know that Brad really enjoys this.  We will prepare a nice garden spot in the area that was behind the hedge ---- will be much easier that where we garden now.  Grateful for our home and surroundings.  We so enjoy sitting on the patio and feeling the peace and beauty of our home.  No not a mansion but so wonderful. 

Sunday - Changes in Bear River Valley

It was Stake Conference on Sunday, August 15th, and changes were taking place.  As members of the Tremonton and Tremonton South Stakes we had already been told that changes would be coming.  A new stake was to be created and new Stake Presidencies selected and sustained. 
The new stake is the Tremonton West Stake.  It was formed by wards from both the Tremonton and Tremonton South Stake.  The West Stakes new Stake President is a Brother Thurgood, with Jim Bingham and a Brother Reese as Counselors.  Our Stake the Tremonton South Stake has a new group of men also.  Our Bishop Kevin Hall was called as Stake President with Bishop Tom Miller and Brother Chad Merrell as Counselors.  This means that both the Elwood Wards will now need new Bishops.  In the Tremonton Stake Brother Harry McMurdie was called as a new counselor to replace brother Jim Bingham who is now in the new stake.  Will be interesting to see the other upcoming changes.  Brad and I keep guessing who our new Bishop might be.  Brother Byran Barker is our High Councilman and Brother Hamson in the Elder's Quorum President ---- either one of these men would be so thoughtful and kind ------ but only the Lord and those in authority will be the decision makers.  It is a good thing that we thrust the Lord to be in charge because us humans might just mess it up good. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Happy Anniversary to Dan and Amanda

August 9th was the second anniversary for the Howells.  They have had such a busy two years with work, school and their little baby son Garrett.  Oh, and a great move from a very small apartment to a two bedroom one in American Fork.  I know that they are working hard to move forward with their plans and goals.  Their little son is doing so well and is such a happy little boy. 
Dan and Amanda will accomplish the greatest of earthly goals on the 11th of September when they enter the Mt. Timpanoga LDS Temple to be sealed as husband and wife for time and ALL ETERNITY.  They will received added blessings when little Garrett is brought to them and will be sealed to them as their eternal son.  We are very happy and proud for this accomplishment.  Sometimes it is not always easy to turn things around and place our lives in the hands of the Savior.  I am grateful that these two special children have done this.  Amanda will be receiving her own Endowments in the Bountiful LDS Temple on August 17th.  These blessings from our Father in Heaven are so remarkable.  They give us such wonderful guidelines and promises.  Always stay true and faithful to them and your lives will be blessed.  Love You

Attended Heather's Fourth Birthday Party

Brad and I traveled to Farmington yesterday to be with the Soria's for Heathers Party.  She was so very excited.  Natalie had made such a lovely party and it is so wonderful to see her developing so many talents.  We are grateful that she has Sid to be such a great support to her and the children.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy Birthday to Heather Lyn

Seems it was just yesterday but already four years have gone by and today we celebrate with Heather.  We were so very grateful when she arrived safe, strong and ready to go.  Heather is a little girl with such a strong sense of wanting to know, remembering and being apart of life.  Those big beautiful eyes seem to always be taking in every thing.  Sometimes perhaps a little fearful of the unknown or the person she does not know too well, but soon that look will change to one of trust and happiness.  Grandpa and I feel very blessed to have had the opportunity to share the early weeks of Heather's life as we would travel to Bountiful to babysit her.  She was always such a pleasant baby.  I can still see her sleeping so soundly on the end of the couch for her naps and I can hear the cute little laughter as we teased and played with her toys.  She so enjoyed Grandma singing to her ----- "I Love You a Bushel and a Peck", "I Am a Child of God" "Grandma's not so famous Bye Oh Bye", "The Farmer in the Dell" and so many more.  Heather has a very sweet little voice and an amazing sense of pitch.  I do hope that others will always sing with her and encourage her.  Heather really enjoys being a "Princess".  Her dress up box is full of fun Princess dresses and crowns.  Maggie and Max and Ruby have been a favorite to watch on TV but I understand that is changing.  When music plays you will see Heather's little bum, hips, feet, and I guess her whole body start to dance.  She loves the movement that the music inspires.  However, Heather is perhaps one of our most picky eaters.  But she has told me that she will learn to eat potatoes and gravy when she is MacKenzies age.  I hope so ---- you know Grandma is an Idahoan at heart and potatoes is their food.  When it comes to the gooey sweet things that is Heather's treat.  Oh, how we love this darling little girl.  Her hugs are so special.  She can negotiate with the best for what she wants.  She loves shopping with her Mom and especially loves to get new shoes.  She always says thank you.  She is now enjoying her baby brother Sam who adores her.  She has taken dance lessons and swimming lessons this year and is looking forward to Pre-School very soon. Heather says her prayers and knows that Jesus loves her.  Heather really loves Aunt Cole and the "BOYS" who tend her and Sam while Mommy and Daddy are at work.  And most of all Heather loves her Mommy and Daddy. Always be happy and choose the right my little Heather ---- Grandma loves you

Monday, August 9, 2010

Happy Birthday to my Daughter Tonya

How does a mother express her feelings about her first born and her brother and sisters and children's great supporter.  Dale and I were so excited when we knew we were going to have a baby.  It was very hard to not just run up and down the streets shouting it out.  But we saved the great news to be given as a Christmas gift to our parents.  A calendar for the year 1961 was purchased and August 10th was circled and BABY written in. (that was the due date). Dale used to like to tell people that we got married on July 28th and Tonya was born on August 9th ----- he just forgot to mention the years.  It had been a very busy work day for us the day that she decided it was time to enter the world.  I had cleaned and scrubbed most of the day and was just finishing up our washing.  (In the twin tub Dexter with hand wringers and a side tube for clean rinse water then it was out to the cloths line for them to dry).  Dale had been at work and also helped his father on the farm and was mowing the lawn.  When I told him we really needed to get to the hospital he casually asked if I could just wait until he finished the yard work.  I think he was teasing but with Dale you never really knew.  He could really hold a straight face.  It was Dr. Mohrs day off but when we arrived at the hospital at six he was called and he and Gracie his wife and nurse arrived shortly after.  They stayed with us the whole time we were there.  It took quite a long time in the delivery room and Dr. Mohr shared many war stories with us.  Finally at 10:30 p,m, I had expounded all of my energy and so Dr. Mohr used the forceps to help gently give this sweet baby a little pull to get her here.  She was perfect in every way.  Cut little fat cheeks and that little Firth nose.  I guess people would say she was a good sized baby, 8 pounds 11 ounces but to this new mother and father she seemed so very tiny and we were really very nervous about our ability to care for her.  Mother had been called and would head to Utah to help as soon as I was released from the hospital.  Sorry guys five days was the norm.  Formula from scratch had to be made.  Carnation milk, water, and dark Karo syrup. (Dr. Mohrs recipe)  Our little daughter got just a bit agitated with the wait because it had to be sterilized for 30 minutes and then cooled down to feeding temperature.  I was so grateful for the skill of my mother at that time.  It seems like she could always calm a baby when no one else could.
Tonya was and is a GOOD person.  She always has been so willing to help and share with others.  Even when she was unable to conceive and start her own family she was sewing and supporting her sisters and brother in every way as their children came.
Tonya has always perfected many talents and shared them with others, whether it was her beautiful sewing skills, her fabulous cooking, her crocheting, her crafting, her printing, her quilt making, her vinyl lettering, you name it she probably can do it and gives so much.  I know that she is truly a special daughter of our Heavenly Father.  I also know that I was blessed as a mother to have her be like the second mom in my home.  Always caring for and loving her siblings.  When her father passed away she took on a greater responsibility than most children have to as she helped me in caring for our family.
Today Tonya is a wife, mother and a mother-in-law.  She has been a part of the work force since 1979 and I know that her employer has been glad that she was apart of the office.  Many more days will fill her life and I know that she will find joy and peace  as she serves those around her.  This is her second nature ---- the same nature as Christ.  "As I have loved you love one Another"  and this she does by giving so much of herself.  May she always be at peace and know how much she is loved.

Thankful for family

Saturday was a busy day for Nichole and the boys.  The renters left and they left a huge mess.  So it was back to cleaning again.  Nichole is blessed with the support of Jeff's family who helped.  Brad and I filled in where we could.  Looked pretty good when we left.  New renters moving in on Monday.

Sunday ------- received a call from the Sorias  ------- would it be okay if they came to visit.  WOW ---- WHAT A WONDERFUL VISIT.  The children are growing so fast.  Seems like only yesterday that we would drive to Bountiful to tend Heather.  I have to admit I wish at times that age didn't creep up so hard and fast on me that I could have shared the experience with Samuel also.  He is warming up to me a little bit -----just need to see him more.  They are a very busy family also ----- just like all the rest of the children.  Grateful when they can find time to stop in.  

No place like HOME and our beautiful Mountains ---- Thankful

It was a wonderful vacation with the Isaacson Family.  We were blessed for this opportunity.  God truly has created us a wonderful world to live in.  Every state that we traveled through was unique in its landscape and what it brings to the united states.  My home and birth state of Idaho, where the love of family began and continues, the beauty of the Yellowstone River in Montana, the huge fields of North Dakota, the lakes of Minnesota, the ranching and farming of South Dakota and the energy fields of Wyoming.  But when we crossed the border into Utah my heart swelled with great pride.  The beautiful red cliffs coming down the Canyon, the majesty of Devil's Slide, and our MOUNTAINS.  So green, so tall, so beautiful.  It is good to visit other places and see and learn but I love my home in Utah.  More than anything perhaps it was testified to me on this trip that our Prophets are truly led by our Father in Heaven.  The wide streets planned in 1847 which now service the many vehicles that travel them daily.  No where else did we travel could you see this distinctive plan for the future.  We are led by His prophet today ----- and His gospel is here and I wonder why I am so blessed to have it in my life.  My heart is so full and so grateful.

Gratefulness Felt at Martins Cove

Inspired again by Martin's Cove and the faith of our Pioneer Forefathers.  (Am reading Brother Lunds book again - "Fire of the Covenant").  Many changes to the Visitors Center since Brad, Natalie and I were there the last time - November 4, 2001.  Kind of missed the old a little bit.  Everything is so polished now it is hard to visualize the hardship of the Handcart company that suffered and survived their journey.  Nichole, Skylar, and Tristin made the hike to the Cove (about four miles round trip) and then Hunter joined them on the hike back.  Brad, Clayton and I were able to ride in the Ranger to the Cove. (these darn legs)  Our driver was a little sister missionary and she was a goer.  Coming down I really did hold on tight.  The edge of the trail looked awfully close at times.  We heard some very special stories and our hearts were touched by the faith of these handcart saints.  Again the film at the visitors center brought tears to my eyes.  I have experienced the death of a very special loved one in my life so perhaps my heart is tender.  I too have seen my own children rise to the need and call to be supportive to their mother.  No not in the hardship of cold and hunger but still in the hardship of loosing a husband and father.   And just like these Saints I too know that Heavenly Father was with us, bouying us up to the challenge.  I thank Him and I thank my ancestors for their faith to know that this gospel his our Saviors gospel.
One of the funniest stories and is going on now is about "Elder Oscar".   Elder Oscar is a big white dog that belongs to the Sun Family. (The original owners of the ranch where the Martin's Cove Center is now located. )  They still own some of the ranch and have this big white dog.  Whenever there are groups of youth at the Cove on Trek, Elder Oscar will adopt one of the groups and will not leave to go home until that group leaves.  (there were four groups there at the time we were and Nichole, Skylar, Tristin and Hunter were able to see Elder Oscar) During one of the treks that Elder Oscar was present one of the youth wanted to go into her tent but Elder Oscar kept blocking the door.  The youth called for a leader to help get him out of the way ----- but when they opened the tent door there was a rattlesnake inside the tent.  Elder Oscar truly was protecting this young person.  They say that he is so faithful in looking over the group that he adopts.  He will then go home and come back for another group.

I hope that we can always appreciate those who sacrifice for us whether it be in the gospel, in the nation or in our families.  We are blessed because others care.

The Energy of Wyoming ----and one dive of a Motel

Oil fields, windmills, and long trains of coal going to the power plants.  Wyoming is very stark and actually bare ----- see a ranch house here and there.  However, I am sure that in some way we are benefactors of the energy sources that are provided by this state.

Old Oil Rig outside of Casper

So many Windmills ---- everywhere ----- I guess that says that the wind blows in Wyoming

Reflection of Past at Independence Rock

Independence Rock was a landmark for the immigrants traveling west ----- many recorded their names ------ needed to reach the rock by July 4th to enter the valley before bad weather

Time at Mt. Rushmore

We traveled to Keystone, South Dakota, on Tuesday and spent the next day touring the Presidential Wax Museum, Mt. Rushmore, Custer State Park, and the National Forest of the area.  Very nice day.

Flags at Hotel

Hotel was in a beautiful setting

Enjoyed the museum very much ---- maybe not the best waxed figures but the information was good and enjoyable

Entrance to Mt. Rushmore - Path of States with entry dates into the United States and State Flags - very impressive ----- Utah is number 44

Grandpa --- enjoying the view

Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt, Lincoln ------- Great Men - ---- Great Presidents

Driving in the Park ---- such unique bridges and fun one way tunnels through the rock ---- "Be sure to honk before entering"

Bikers by the dozens - (headed to Sturgus for biker week) - we followed this little number all the way through the forest.  Up and down ---- it handled real smooth

Fun recreational and camping sight in the Forest